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Cowbell Brewery: Sustainability By Choice

From their state-of-the-art brewery and packaging process to pollinator-friendly rooftop, here are just a few ways Cowbell Brewing is committed to Great Beer and Sustainability.

The Farm

To help Cowbell achieve Carbon Neutral, 28-acres onsite at Cowbell has been reforested with 17,000 native species trees, pollinators and fruit producers through a partnership with the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority and they keep on planting!

A view overlooking Cowbell Brewing with native plants growing in front of it.

Sections of their Green Roof are planted with even more native, pollinator-friendly species which absorb solar radiation and rainwater, clean the air and provide a habitat for butterflies, insects and small birds.

Cowbell Brewing's Green Roof

The Brewhouse Cowbell is the first brewery in North America, and the first craft brewery in the world, with a Rectification Boil System that increases the efficiency of the brew kettle by 80%.

This means more beer can be brewed in less time with less energy while conserving 250 litres of water per brew and removing 100% of unwanted volatile compounds⁣.

Cowbell Brewing's Rectification Boil System

Water Management

Cowbell also operates a Closed-Loop Brewing System where brewing water is sourced via an on-site well that draws water from an aquifer more than 100 feet below ground. Wastewater is treated and released back into the ground on-site after 99% of the organics have been removed⁣. This means Cowbell doesn't put strain on the the muncipal water supply or add any water waste to the sewer system.

Spent Grain is used by the Chefs in the Kitchen to prepare pasta and bake fresh bread, and some grain is sent to a neighbouring farmer for nutritious feed for his cows.

Future Plans Soon to be Green initiatives include a Zero-Waste Kitchen Project and installation of an on-site food forest to supply the kitchen and brewery both in collaboration with University of Guelph. Plus a switch from plastic shrink-wrapped recyclable cardboard can trays to fully-enclosed recyclable cardboard boxes.

Canada’s first Sustainable Destination Brewery, read more about Cowbell’s Sustainability Initiatives and don't forget to order some beer after or pick some up at your local LCBO or Beer Store.

This article is apart of the ongoing Green Beers Series looking at the sustainable, greener side of Craft Beer and Beverages in Ontario and Beyond


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